D.U.M.B. Ducks and Buck Blastem are on sale for %25 off in the PlayStation store!

It's weird remaking a game from 2011. I just found this old picture of Dr Cavor guest starring in Kaiju Combat, a haunted house game I can't remember, and another game from Orange Pixel that I've forgotten. 😅

It's the winter ! I decided to go ahead and do all-time best discounts for the holidays. If you pick one up, it's much appreciated!

➡️ store.steampowered.com/search/

Cave Ranger arrives on Xbox and PlayStation on December 20th! This is an updated version of the original with streamlined levels and new features. 🤠

Guts 'n Grunts -- our best game yet? -- is on sale on Playstation for $6.99 right now. $5.99 if you're a Plus member.


I finally grabbed a Steam Deck. Guts ‘n Grunts, Moon Raider, and Ammo Pigs all look sharp and play great on it. 🤩

Surprise again!

I accidentally released Guts ‘n Grunts 3 weeks early on Xbox (due to a pre-order setup mistake).

Grab it here: xbox.com/en-US/games/store/gut

It will be everywhere else on 1/5.

Surprise! I messed up the Xbox launch date of M.A.D. Cows. So you get it three months early!

Xbox: t.co/TLP36ePMRi
iOS: t.co/bDgrsFapaM
PC / Mac: t.co/dnwX43SpiK

Expect the Playstation release ASAP.

2024 will see the return of the Cavorite series as a single, large game. Its graphics will be updated to match Moon Raider.

Bay Lynx is about 2 weeks into its campaign. So far it hasn't had many eyes on it. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do and let me know what you think!


Bay Lynx is about 6 days into Kickstarter. It needs more eyes and backers. Please check it out and spread the word if you can.


The Bay Lynx alpha demo has been updated. It has a new level for everyone to try. Please let me know what you think.


I've made a three level demo of Bay Lynx (alpha) available for free for anyone to try. Please give it shot and let me know what you think. You can also wishlist it on Steam!


I’ve just submitted Mighty Aphid 2 for review on iOS and Apple TV. It will be bundled with the series’ first game and Moon Raider shortly after release.

A major update for Ammo Pigs A&D should be done soon!

- improved graphics
- coins and new weapon upgrades
- better controls
- bonus levels no longer need unlock

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