💔 The Bay Lynx Kickstarter campaign has been canceled. You can read about it here:
Bay Lynx is about 2 weeks into its campaign. So far it hasn't had many eyes on it. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do and let me know what you think!
Guts ‘n Grunts is very close to having a release date. I’m going to try for a simultaneous launch across all its platforms. I have one last port to wrap up.
Bay Lynx is about 6 days into Kickstarter. It needs more eyes and backers. Please check it out and spread the word if you can.
Ammo Pigs is 70% off for the Steam Summer Sale!
Moon Raider is 70% off for the Steam Summer Sale!
First update for the Bay Lynx Kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cascadiagames/bay-lynx-platforming-purrfection/posts/3847457
The Bay Lynx Kickstarter campaign is live! You can back it here: https://t.co/YQxh4jOisN
Bay Lynx is coming soon to Kickstarter! You can follow it here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cascadiagames/bay-lynx-platforming-purrfection
There's a new teaser trailer on Steam for Bay Lynx! If all goes well, I'll have a new demo up for it (on Itch) by Friday.
M.A.D. Cows is coming soon!
I should submitting Guts ‘n Grunts builds at least to iOS and Steam (PC / Mac) this week — maybe Xbox as well. Release date TBD. Those are the only platforms I’m targeting.
Wishlist here:
The Bay Lynx alpha demo has been updated. It has a new level for everyone to try. Please let me know what you think.
@maek@mstdn.games It's out on Android but they asked me to take it down on iOS rather than transfer it. So who knows what that means. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crescentmoongames.moonraider&pli=1
I've made a three level demo of Bay Lynx (alpha) available for free for anyone to try. Please give it shot and let me know what you think. You can also wishlist it on Steam!
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